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目前位置: 首頁 > 焦點報導 > 109年度外語群科中心英文讀書心得寫作比賽 育達高中應英科...
  • 2020/6/12

    109年度外語群科中心英文讀書心得寫作比賽 育達高中應英科二51沈育裴 榮獲全國優選第一名

    【桃園訊】育達高中應英科二51班沈育裴同學,參加109年度外語群科中心舉辦的第一期英文讀書心得寫作比賽,榮獲個人組全國優選第一名。 指導老師肖孟晏老師說,育裴在班上成績都保持第一,雖然英文基礎很好,在課堂上仍非常認真學習。今年三月參加桃園市教育局主辦第三期「高中生至海外大學教育計畫」甄選,已通過第一階段筆試,可惜第二階段面試因新冠肺炎疫情而暫停。108年6月畢業的邱韻潔學姊,於107年以英文優異表現,通過桃園市教育局主辦第一期「高中生至海外大學教育計畫」甄選,前往美國史丹福大學、加州大學柏克萊分校參加資訊科技研習營。二51班沈育裴學妹能承續學姊優異表現,在眾多參選者中以優異成績通過第一階段筆試,誠屬難得;此次育裴同學又在全英文讀書心得比賽中榮獲全國第一名,育達應英科專業英文能力受到各界矚目。徐浩峯校長日前特別約見嘉勉,並感謝肖孟晏老師平日用心指導,讓育裴的英文能力有明顯的進步。 英文讀書心得寫作內容: A Wrinkle in Time It's crystal clear that family love is priceless. Love gives us infinite hope on our way to find our purposes in life. Love provides us with immense courage to confront difficulties bravely. In my version, love is spontaneous and it cannot be interpreted with words in any language. It is also the most beautiful emotion in the universe. Without love, we might lose our goals and motivation. The story, A Wrinkle in Time, begins in a dark and stormy night with the visit of a stranger, Mrs. Whatsit. Her appearance gave Meg Murry a hope to find her long-lost father and bring him home. Meg is an ordinary girl with braces, glasses and flyaway hair. Everyone thinks that she is supposed to be brilliant, for her parents are both outstanding scientists. However, she seemed to be more impulsive, reckless and obstinate than her siblings. She had been dropped down to the lowest level in her grade and everything became worse and worse after the disappearance of her father. All of her silly behaviors were thought to stain her family's reputation. Fortunately, her parents and her younger brother, Charles Wallace, had always been on her side. Assisted by three goddesses, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which, Meg, Charles and their friend, Calvin set out on a journey to look for Mr. Murry. To make the plan successful, they had to transcend time, space and the limitations of their own minds. During the journey, they encountered a series of obstacles. They fought against the evil to rescue their father and the world. Even though the journey was dangerous and arduous, their perseverance and love encouraged them to move forward without any fear. In some ways, I am rather similar to the main character, Meg. For one thing, I am quite an ordinary-looking girl. For another, Meg and I both have a lack of confidence. Nonetheless, the story teaches me that looks are not everything. It was "imperfection" and "uniqueness" that enabled Meg to be the one that saved her dad. It was the very journey that allowed her to discover her own value and learned to respect, defend and love herself. I finally realized that anyone could be the one and only superstar as long as they are on the right stage and willing to make efforts to achieve their goals. After reading story again and again, I gradually fell in love with this mysterious fiction. The theme, the elements of fairy tales and the imagination of time physics are the reasons that attract me, forcing me to keep turning the pages. The book has already been so popular for fifty years and I believe that it will still be widely known for the next fifty years to come or even longer.

    • 二51沈育裴參加109年度外語群科中心第一期英文讀書心得寫作比賽,榮獲個人組全國優選第一名。